Women in Management Society

Your voice, your vision, your leadership.
Be part of a society where women in management inspire and drive change.

Women in Management Society

Your voice, your vision, your leadership.
Be part of a society where women in management inspire and drive change.

About us

Women in Management Society (WIM Soc) at UNSW is a passionate community of women dedicated to empowering and advancing women in decision-making roles.

We provide networking opportunities, professional development, and mentorship to support women in their careers. At our core, we aim to empower women to become effective leaders, decision-makers, and change agents.



Empowerment lies at the heart of our mission. We are dedicated to breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes, and bridging the gender gap in the field of management. While we are a newly founded organisation, our enthusiasm for this cause is unwavering. Our multifaceted approach to achieving this mission encompasses:

Professional Development
We are committed to equipping our members with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in management careers. Through workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities, we will facilitate their journey toward becoming future leaders.

Academic Excellence
Our goal is to ensure that our members are the best of the best. We will support students in maintaining strong academic performance for their management classes through course workshops and group study sessions, thereby equipping them with the necessary skills to embark on leadership opportunities.


Check our socials to stay up to date with our events


WIM is currently looking for sponsors to support our mission. Our 2024 Prospectus outlines what our society has to offer including detail into our sponsorship plans.

If your organisation is interested in becoming a sponsor, contact us at unsw.wim.industry@gmail.com.

We'd like to thank everyone below for making our mission possible.

View Prospectus Here

We would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued support:

We'd like to thank everyone below for making our mission possible.

University of New South Wales

Arc - UNSW Student Life

Contact Us


Join WIM!

Strength in unity, power in leadership. Join us and be part of a movement that empowers women to lead with courage and vision.

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